** I love all the learning
** Sometimes it is VERY BORING though
** Getting to hear some of the best developers at the best companies is GREAT (ie: Yahoo! guys were great!)
** The food at the hotel is very "California" - fancy, full of veggies and strange. My chicken and cheese quesadilla had a RED TORTILLA shell. I was a bit grossed out, but since it cost TWENTY DOLLARS thought I should at least try it. Surprisingly, it was good.
** The breakfast buffet food is either too fancy or crappy. The scrambled eggs were RUNNY. Gross.
** The served lunch was a choice of strange salads (like a beef veggie mayo sort of salad), mahi mahi (can't eat due to pregnancy, and who eats mahi mahi cooked by the batch-load anyway?), roast tenderloin, and some sort of chicken. Dessert was some vanilla watery pudding, flourless brownies w/nuts, or coconut pyramids (GROSS). Too fancy. How bout meatballs and sauce? Burgers? They didn't even serve sodas! Just fancy tea and water.
** The lack of women here is AMAZING. At the bootcamp yesterday, the 2 guys next to me assumed I didn't know crap about developing until I had to help one of them find the bug in his software (which I had finished writing 20 minutes earlier). That is dumb, to assume I don't know much in the development field just because I'm a girl.
** Dinner last night w/one of my best-est friends and getting to see her hubby and kiddies.
** Dinner with her again tonight!!
AND BabyT is feeling better - still stuffy and cough-y, but handling it much better.