April 28, 2008

well well well...

Hubby is living it up in Vegas - having a WELL deserved break.
SO I bought myself a break!  A babysitter for this evening to help entertain the kids (it's been raining for 2 days and we're all a little stir crazy) so I could actually eat my dinner and clean up!  YAY Me - the best $25 I ever spent!
Hubby home in T-3.5 days!

April 26, 2008


hubby went out of town for 6 days
Forgot to eat dinner.

April 23, 2008


And we have a walker!  Who will be going to stride rite to get her first shoes today!

April 18, 2008

party time!

BabyJ turns ONE tomorrow!!  unbelievable!  We are having her party Sunday - along w/a half birthday party for toddler T (his real bday is in Dec).  So our house will be awash in Lightning McQueen and Tinkerbell Sunday, as well as cake, candy, drinks, people, toddlers and craziness!

Wish me luck!

April 14, 2008

tying shoes?

Is it odd that it only took Son 15 minutes to learn to tie his shoes?

April 09, 2008

pray for strength

is what I do when BabyT (toddlerT?) spills his Elmo potty FULL OF PEE on the hardwood floor in the guest bathroom.  OH MY F-ing GOODNESS.  I know he's trying to be helpful and dump it but REALLY?  All over my floor?  I almost had a stroke I was so upset.

April 08, 2008

going to break her cell phone

The person over my cube wall has ringtones - OBNOXIOUS RING TONES.  SEVERAL (the one that just went off is "Hallelujah"  - VERY LOUDLY).  Not only does this person chat on the phone all day they let their phone ring several times before answering the damn thing.