Hubby left 3 weeks ago for a work trip. He'll be back first week of December. I am a bit busy. Here is what my day (on a Wednesday, the day I have "off" from work) is like....
5:15 a.m.: Jessie sneaks into my bed.
5:45 am: oldest wakes me for my shower. I hit snooze.
5:55 am: shower
6:20 am:head downstairs. Make breakfast for the oldest. Pack his lunch.
6:45 am: Tyler comes down, insists on milk and TV.
6:45:40 am: Jessie comes down, insists on OJ and a different show. FIGHTING Ensues.
7:10 am: Oldest gets on bus. Tyler gets in shower. I get dressed. I dress Tyler. I make Tyler breakfast. I load car of stuff to goto my mom's (she's coloring my hair, so I need a set of old clothes to wear and hair styling stuff so she can check the cut after I style it).
7:50 am: try try try to get Jessie changed for the day. She wants to play on Nick JR and eat something I don't have time to cook.
8:30 am leave house, headed for Tysons.
9:25 am: Drop Tyler at preschool. Drive to mom's. Hurriedly get hair cut and colored. This is a long process, esp. w/long hair.
12:00 pm: blowdry hair.
12:20 pm: run out door to pickup Tyler
12:40 pm: back at mom's. Lunch.
1:15 pm: brother and neighbor try to find leak in my tire while I chase the kids outside.
2:00 pm: load kids, head to cub scout store to buy Badge Magic.
2:25 pm: discover store is long gone. Space is for rent.
3:00 pm: vaccine appt for Tyler. He TOTALLY LOSES it over getting 2 shots. Drive to school to pick up oldest from Chess Club.
4:10 pm: arrive home. Start oldest on his homework.
5:15 pm: pack car for football practice.
5:30 pm: leave for practice.
6:00 pm: drop son off. Head to Mcdonalds. drive back to practice. Eat w/kids in car (it is freezing outside).
7:00 pm: practice done. Head home. Get kids showered, in jammies, and in bed.
7:40 - start cleaning kitchen, packing tomorrow's backpacks and lunches. Lay out clothes for kids for tomorrow. Agonize over the fact that it will be 45 when they leave for school and 75 when they get home: shorts or pants???? Pants or shorts??
9:00 pm: head to basement to spend 30 mins organizing basement storage.
10:00 head upstairs for ME time watching TV. AM TIRED!!!!!!!!!