November 16, 2004

DaVinci Code...

I love this book.  I cannot WAIT for the movie...but I don't know about Tom Hanks.  A little old?  Not quite sexy?  If anyone could pull it off, it'd be him, but I'd still prefer to see a younger, sexier actor.  Like I've read on some other sites...a young Harrison Ford (if they could find one), Johnny Depp, someone bookish but sexy underneath.  Of course, those are my only suggestions...let me think on it.
For Sophie?  I heard Juliet Binoche (?) was a good choice, but that they hadn't chosen yet.  I believe they are actually looking for a good French actress, instead of using some American actress w/an accent.  Probably a good idea.  I don't have any suggestions here either....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am loving the book. Halfway through it and I agree, a young Ford would be ideal but who. Not Johnny Depp. He's pretty to look at but all wrong for this role. Hanks could pull this off. Monica Belluci could be Sophie. I've seen many different opinions on this movie but no matter who they get, I'm sure I'll see it. The book is great.
