January 03, 2005

better today...

so the headache was gone this morning and I thought I could bear working w/a sore throat so here I am! Also - cancelled the dentist appt for today, that's just gross, to go into dentist when sick. I wouldn't do that to the poor dental lady...

Not much new - just hanging out - got all the decorations down, boxed and labeled except for the tree lights and the outdoor lights. That's all dependent on hubby...but that damn tree better go down tonight!!!!!!!!!!!


Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...

Sorry you were sick; I had the same Dec 24-26th, so I can relate.

But you don't keep the tree up until Little Christmas???

Anonymous said...

Wait- what's little Christmas?

We took down all our stuff this past weekend, it feels GREAT to have everything so clean again!

Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...

Little Christmas: a/k/a Epiphany, Three Kings Day

It denotes when the Three Kings/Wise Men/Magi finally reached the stable where Jesus lay. This is sort of the defacto end of the Christmas season.

Of course, everyone's milage may vary...