Check this out - one girl's ride thru Chernobyl. Beautiful sad pictures. Fascinating. I would never be brave enough to do that. Found at Birch & Maple
I watched Dr. Phil yesterday. It was a show about people having a loved one that is a bad influence. He had these really pretty blond twins on. Twin A wanted the twins to goto the Bunny Ranch (in Nevada) and work as prostiutes for a while, because the owner said they could pull in $500,000 a year, easy. She was trying to talk Twin B into this. A was a waitress, I think. B was a computer consultant. But they also showed footage of the many modeling gigs these girls have had (quite skimpily clad)... Apparently, Twin A didn't feel like working really hard for not much money in her current job. She has an idea for an international comedy show that she needs money to produce.
Well. Where shall we start...
First - she spoke like, and with the perspective, of a teenager. You felt as if everything Dr. Phil said to her was just out of her grasp of understanding. It must be ok to be a prostitute, because she has a reason (her emphasis)...she's not just doing it to make money to retire. They also had an ex-prostitute on the show, who has started a group to help prositutes get out of the profession trying to point out to her the downsides of selling yourself, which Twin A did not want to hear. There are no downsides in her eyes. She cannot see that in the future, she might wish she had not done this. She doesn't think it will affect the men she can choose from to marry if she does this (ok, sure!). She was full of hair flipping, eye rolling, and lip pouting. She actually struck me as if she might have a drug problem of some sort, maybe? That sort of behavior.
It was just amazing to watch. Such denial. There are no other ways to raise money? Also, she really didn't come off as being very bright - that she understands the what would be considered comedy in many different cultures is something I seriously doubt. And how can she not agree, that just maybe, she might live to regret this decision someday?
One thing I didn't understand the most was this: why didn't they keep modeling? They were gorgeous (though of the fake-breasted blonde type).
I would assume the modeling gigs were hard to come by, so she was waitressing in between, maybe? And being a prostitute would be easier and pay more...
Did they get through to her at all by the end?
I've certainly had some horrible ideas in my teenage years, but this one tops them.
Do you ever wonder if these talk show guests are really exaggerating so they can get on TV? And if so, why the heck do they do that? I always think about that when I happen to catch one of these shows.
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