Anyways, whenever I go up the stairs at our house, I am SO out of breath. I thought it was simply because
BUT apparently someone's little butt is pushing into the right side of my ribcage already. Even the ultrasound tech thought that was a bit high for him to be at only 23 weeks. So, I hope I'm a little bit less out of shape than I thought and baby is just squeezing my lungs.
For those of you that knew me when I was pregnant w/my son, you'll remember me complaining of the terrible pain that was Son's butt making my ribs separate. I thought I was having a heart attack and going to die. Looks like I'm in for more of the same this go round! yay!
Luckily, he's already head down, though that could change, I sure hope it doesn't. AND we re-verified that he is BabyBrother and not BabySister.