August 03, 2005

Happy Birthday!

TO ME! Today I am 32! Happy Birthday to me!

And my special plans today are....
wait for it, it's good....
taking my son to the dentist!

Ok, yeah, I'm old and I'm a mommy, just because it's my birthday, doesn't change much in my daily life, at least not at this point. Maybe when my kid(s) are older...but I don't care. The fact that I HAVE a son to take the dentist thrills me. The fact that my husband is the best one in the world, and the best daddy as a side bonus, thrills me.

I cannot ask for a better present than to have my family healthy and happy for another year.

(ok, maybe a diamond necklace too, but I don't want to be greedy! ;-)


Anonymous said...

2nd person today I've run across that is 32 and thinks they are old. I'm not old and have decades on you kid!

Yes your family in good health is a value to cling to. Not handbags and diamonds. Buy into that and other people get rich while you grow poor and unhappy. But you obviously know that. Good on you.

Take your son to the dentist and have a happy birthday!

enjanerd said...

Woo! Happy birthday! :)

Now I get why you said the thing about me being a Leo...

Charlie on the PA Turnpike said...

Speaking as someone who hasn't seen 32 in some time, you aren't old at all.

As Pooh said to Eeyore, "Many Happy Returns of the Day!"