September 28, 2005

27 weeks (yesterday)...

27 doesn't actually feel any different than 26 weeks. Except I'm one week closer to my actual glucose test time (next week)...

The nursery bedding arrived Monday - so yesterday I stopped at Lowes and got 1 of every sage / red / white paint chip they had to start matching (don't know if the room will be sage or red) you KNOW how many paint chips that is? A LOT - who knew there were that many different shades. Any bets on whether or not any of them match the bedding? :-)

No info on the name front either ... suggestions?

Still here, still hungry, still tired, still pregnant (which are ALL GOOD THINGS)...

SIDE NOTE: did anyone else see Nip/Tuck yesterday??? !!!! Must discuss it with someone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to tell you I LOVE your bedding set! It's so adorable! So is Luke the only name you like so far? I'll brainstorm for you :) Glad you're hungry & tired- and pregnant! :) heehee