October 16, 2005

A lovely Sunday...

Our darling son allowed us to sleep in until 8:45! What a difference from 7:30! We had a big breakfast and they've gone off to the Air & Space Museum...I've opted out because not only have I been there a bazillion times before, it's too much walking for me - just the THOUGHT makes me tired. So I'm home "relaxing"... which really means...

  • washing the linens for the guest bedroom and putting them back on, so that if brother and sister-in-law have to come to stay w/son in an emergency they've got somewhere clean to sleep.
  • putting away a weeks worth of son's laundry in his closet (I hang everything).
  • picking up family room and kitchen.
  • maybe watching a little TV in our new family room furniture that just arrived Friday! Yay for new chairs!
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I hope you got some REAL relaxing in with all that work!!! You need it!