November 03, 2005

Come on people! You're really pissing me off!

Ok...Picture me - hugely pregnant. It has just taken me an hour and a half to drive 24 miles. I get to work, put my stuff down and meander over the ladies room.

The door won't open. What??? I have to pee. I yank on it some and pull on it and cuss up a storm. I'll figure this out later, and go to the 12th floor to pee (I'm on 11).

Damn door there is locked too. OK, NOW I have to pee and I'm furious. What the fuck is going on???

I find the receptionist... what the hell is going on w/the bathrooms I ask? She says you need a key because of the incident that happened the other day - it was in the email.

WHAT? I did not get such an email, and believe me, if I had read they were LOCKING the bathrooms and NOT GIVING OUT KEYS it would've gotten my attention damn quick.

I don't have time to argue with her - I tell her I need to go NOW and how do I go about getting a key this minute? (side note: I must be a pure JOY to work with)...

She turns over the key she has at HER DESK... I go pee. Then she tells me who to call to find out why I'm not on the distribution list (and refuses to tell me WHAT EXACTLY happened that caused the locking of the bathrooms) and where I'll find a key in the future. Great - 1 key per floor. If I have to fucking stand in line to get a god damn key I'm not going to be pleasant. Stay tuned for a transcript of my call w/the security person in charge of this mess.


Anonymous said...

oh COME ON!! That is absolutely ridiculous! Kind of reminds me of the crap going on at Ford, where they're limiting the employee's bathroom breaks to so many minutes a day.

Anonymous said...

I'm dying to find out what in the world happened....

And I HIGHLY recommend they give the pregnant girl with a bladder the size of a walnut a key. NOW.