March 17, 2006


Baby T has been asleep for 9 hours and 1 minute as I sit here and type and wait for him! It's 6:50 am and I am stunned! AND he only had 2 ounces before bed last night, so I was SURE he was going to get up around 3 am! So fantastic!

I just ordered 2 of these (one for my mom's house)...

Will let you know how it works out.

3 months old is TOO YOUNG for the exersaucer though, just FYI. I did try it yesterday and it didn't work.

1 comment:

Isabel said...

I hope I get a baby like that...I need my sleep.

So, what are those chairs called? I keep seeing pictures of them, but don't know where to get one. I hear they rock!