October 03, 2006

so, a bad mommy it is then...

UGH!  BabyT is so sick.  He is so miserable w/his cold and cough, I can't stand it.  He's fussy and crying and OBVIOUSLY thinks I've abandoned him and is never coming back.  I feel awful.  I want nothing more than to scoop him up and settle him down in the glider, secure in the fact that Mommy's here and making it better.  I am a terrible mother for leaving him without a parent.  That is how awful I feel.  If the in-laws would've let me, I'd have been on the first flight home (of course, my company would be a bit peeved, giving that they spent like 4K to get me here and in this conference!)...
Please, please please let him have a good night tonight and feel better in the morning.


Anonymous said...

I understand...completely...how you feel. Heck, I'm HOME with my sick child and I still feel horrible about it! Ah, the joys of Motherhood! Guilt guilt and MORE guilt. LOL
((And to answer your comment on my blog, I think that restaurant's in Santana Row in San Jose. Lucky you! Must be nice being on the company's dime. ;-) I always feel "too poor" to even walk around SR, neverless eat there. LOL And yep, I've got a 17 month old and I'm 6 months along on #2. Sometimes I wonder where my sanity is!))

Anonymous said...

Whoops. Stupid cat. She walked across the keyboard before I could add who this is! Anyway, I hope your stay in Santa Clara goes well and that things get better at home!

Kelly said...

Ah, poor thing. Thats a terrible feeling I know. But rest assured in the grand scheme of things he will never remember it and grandparents are fine, loving substitutes even when they are sick.
