November 15, 2006

short story...

Remember, this pregnancy is my surprise pregnancy, the one I never thought I would get.  The first two children cam after much, much trying and many doctor visits, medication, charting, stress and miscarriages.  One could not be happier about it than I am (if not a bit scared of 2 babies at once, but that's ok)...
My AFP test came back w/an increase risk of Downs Syndrome.  So we did the ultrasound early to look for Downs soft markers, which we saw none.  We also saw no evidence of intestinal problems (usually associated w/Downs).  Hubby and I declined the amnio.  So now we just wait and pray that the baby is ok.    I felt pretty good about the results, but the DR said the U/S misses 30% of Downs cases.  I'm hoping, that since they went in SPECIFICALLY to look for it and take the measurements, they wouldn't miss it as opposed to a "regular" ultrasound where they don't usually measure quite so carefully or take all those specific measurements.   Only time will tell.  To my lovely readers that have already started praying for the baby's health, thank you very much.  I don't think we can have too many prayers hoping that the baby is healthy.
Oh, and they said it was a GIRL! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad all seems to be well now. And a girl!!!! Woo-hoo! They are so much fun!!