December 27, 2007
Merry Christmas!
I purchased ROCKB*AND for my hubby. What a great great great game. We've already had a ton of fun playing it and doing the songs! I apparently ROCK at vocals and score something like 92% each time (you need to be able to follow well for vocal and it doesn't rate your ACTUAL SOUND, just that your voice is starting/stopping at the right parts, you're holding notes long enough and inflecting your voice correctly. Which is good, because I SOUND like a dying cat!)... anyway, if you are at all into video games, I highly suggest this one for family fun!
December 17, 2007
post office
I got all three kids to the door when I read the sign. It's freezing, all three kids are cold and now we have to come back freaking later???
December 10, 2007
just ... wow.
There was...
* fear. BabyT was TERRIFIED of the characters for the first NINE DAYS we were at Disney. On the afternoon of day 10, he started to LOVE LOVE LOVE them. Seriously. He freaked so bad at one point, he threw up. Hubby had to leave more than 1 character meal because BabyT couldn't be within EYESIGHT of a character or the Cast Members that protect them.
* pure happiness and delight. We saw this at different times on the faces of all three children (BabyJ LOVES LOVES LOVES all characters and tries to eat them).
* falling. I tripped while holding BabyJ and landed on the concrete. She didn't get a scratch but I was a bloody mess.
* new restaurants! We discovered many new secret places to eat that we had not been to in 11 years worth of trips to Disney!
* shopping! MAN the shopping!
* Disney Dining Plan! Man is this the money saving food generating way to go! We got way too much food on our plan, more than we could ever eat and it was all included!
* new resorts! We saw the Boardwalk resort for the first time and I think I'm lobbying to stay there next December.
* did I say food? We ate ate and ate. There was no way anything we could eat could keep up w/the energy we were expending carrying the kiddies around.
All in all, ALL FIVE of us had a fabulous time and it was worth every penny, every scrape, and every bead of sweat and more!
December 07, 2007
November 27, 2007
why ruin a holiday with sleep?
We left Wednesday morning for PA to see Aunt L and Granny. There was NO traffic. It was like a scene out of a horror movie where everyone has disappeared! It was stunning and wonderful to travel and HAVE NO TRAFFIC!
The kids loved being in PA. Aunt L and her daughter (R) and her son (A) are fabulous w/the kids and man, do the kids love them to pieces! Wednesday night went as follows: BabyT SCREAMED at the top of his lungs for TWO HOURS STRAIGHT. BabyJ, just having started her anti-biotics would only sleep in our arms in the chair. It was quite a lovely scene as you could imagine.
Turkey day was great - the kids played and had fun. We had holiday soup for lunch and a fabulous 25 pound turkey for dinner! Then that night - BabyJ was up on and off and BabyT only shrieked for a little bit. Of course, BabyJ was up for the day at SIX AM.
Friday - also great, but included shopping at Kohl's for their sale! The toys are always at a great price on Black Friday there.
Then Saturday, about 1, we headed home. Again, traffic was very light, even on 95 which was still amazing!
November 26, 2007
the TV!
** Nip/Tuck. Man this is awesome. The show is so good I wish it was on more often. The storylines this season are GREAT!
** Survivor. This season is also shaping up great! I love the gravedigger guy!
** Dr. Phil. He seems to have trashier topics this year. I love it, nothing better than trashy-talk-reality shows!
** EVEREST! This years trip to climb Everest. It is awesome, except for the arrogant Tim and his graphics of the steel in his legs and back. Phurba the Sherpa is fantastic and I love that he gets to do something challenging even to him, though I hope they are paying him an entire lifetime salary to do it since his job is to help the client do it. And he's doing it w/out guide/safety ropes. Awesome.
** Desperate Housewives. Also awesome and trashy!
November 19, 2007
so that's WHY!
still sick dammit
November 17, 2007
ah, croup. You slay me!
November 15, 2007
November 12, 2007
know what hurts?
** lego block
** army man
** transformer pieces
** action figures
Beating lego block and army man (the little green ones) is a pretty good pain.
November 10, 2007
oh my!
We have a professional photographer we use for the pics at the house (considered art-worthy) but he is so expensive - $150 for an 8x10 to hand out is too much. So we decided to try this place and see how it goes for pics to give people and MAN are we satisified!
They have a great deal - we got 14 poses for $100 - 3 sheets of each pose and a CD of all the pics. Can't beat that!!! I highly recommend them if you're looking to get pics done!
November 07, 2007
my day...
6:20 - Inform BabyT that there will be no cartoons shown before 7 am. He starts meltdown which wakes BabyJ. Excellent. Put on Scooby-doo so that he will not get into anything dangerous or messy while I go get BabyJ and change her. Run into Son in hallway - tell him it's TOO EARLY to be up and go back to bed. Yes, he may sleep in our bed instead.
7 a.m. (on the dot!) Son emerges from my room as he knows this is when I have deemed it acceptable time for him to be up. Catches me eating my morning cereal bar.
7:30 feed BabyJ oatmeal, then bottle.
8 - feed BabyT and Son each 1 banana, chocolate milk and a donut as a surprise! Wander aimlessly around house holding baby so she doesn't spit up breakfast.
9 - my mother arrives, thank GOD. I shower myself and BabyT. Fold laundry while he draws in shower. Make him 89,000 cups of bubbles.
10 am talk babyT into going upstairs so I can clean. Realize I need to make Son's lunch (yes, he eats at 10 because of kindergarten schedule) and get him dressed. 50 minutes is NOT enough time to do all of that. BabyT has meltdown becuase he was excited to go upstairs and play. Damn.
10:10 Son starts eating 1/2 sandwich.
10:15 BabyJ wants bottle. Harass Son to eat faster. Start laundry.
10:20 BabyT needs snack.
10:30 Inform Son he needs to kick it if he wants to be on bus.
Good lord, I'm tired of typing already and only up to 10:30! Good grief,
whew! Hard at work!
That is apparently a holiday! So I have a day off already! Isn't that great!!!!!
November 05, 2007
dear cashier at Wendy's drive thru...
AND don't look all "puuuu-llleeeeaaasseee" when I check each and every cheeseburger to be sure there is no mayo, lettuce, tomato, etc. hiding on there. You guys at Wendy's (and this one in particular) always get the burgers wrong when I don't check right away. And I will not pull forward to check, because then what would I do? Come in to have the problem fixed? I am NOT getting all three kids in and out of the car to go in and fix your mistake (and then, of course, stand there w/all three kids while you make new burgers? I don't think so). SO I will sit at the window and check them, thank you very much.
oh, and by the way
November 04, 2007
donating money to the school...
** $82 worth of wrapping paper (we bought it, we did not ask co-workers and family to do so. We bought an amt we thought he'd possibly sell.)
** $20 for the Fall Festival (the "Not Halloween" party they had on Oct 31)
** $25 for an Entertainment coupon book
** $15 to buy the library a new book in honor of Son for his birthday
** $50 at the school bookfair
** $15 to buy items for the class gift basket to be auctioned off at the Winter Festival
Seriously -for eight weeks worth of school, this much money already?
We also spent $64 on school pictures which came out BLURRY, with the WRONG background color and where Son is not freaking-centered in the picture!
time change...
November 02, 2007
working sucks
Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE help. Were I to be so lucky, I would employ a full-time cleaning person, chef, etc. But NOT a nanny. The kids could be my only responsibility around the house. Let someone else cook, clean and organize!
October 30, 2007
October 27, 2007
and it's booked!
And we will be there when they're filming the Christmas parade for broadcast! And we're going to the Christmas party! And character lunches, and breakfasts, OH MY!
October 18, 2007
playground morons...
Taking your kids to the playground, then making them sit on the equipment for 30 minutes does not count as playing. The poor kids looked miserable. You can sit still at home, why did you drag them to the park, then hog the equipment to do this?
Dear Spanish Nanny,
Dear Father w/the Spanish Nanny,
if your overweight dirty three year old barrels down the slide WHILE MY ONE YEAR OLD IS ON IT, I expect you to tell your kid to wait until the other kid gets off. At the least, if not sort of saying your sorry when my baby gets hurt.
Dear Father making a business call at the playground,
We are not impressed and you look like a big dork w/your pants up under your armpits like that. I thought it was funny when my son was screaming about something or other and you were right there to hear it and let the other people on the phone hear too. Very professional!
October 15, 2007
today's Moxie!
"Has anyone else been watching the BBC show--now on the Discovery channel in the U.S.--"Last Man Standing"? It's 6 youngish American and British athletes who go to tribal villages and participate in their tests of strength and fighting rituals. I've been watching, thinking how lame it all is. Any woman who'd mothered a child through the age of 5 could beat any of these guys in tenacity, endurance, and feats of strength under adverse conditions. Brazilian piranha-tooth cuts on the legs rubbed with chile powder? Try 36 hours of unmedicated labor. Zulu fighting sticks? Try sleep regression after sleep regression. Running 30 miles uphill in sandals? Try nursing all night for months and still holding down a full-time job. Maybe I should work up a pitch for the show: kick boxer, triathlete, and bodybuilder vs. mom of high-needs baby, mom of twins, and mom of three kids under age five."
so damn true!
September 21, 2007
call for help!
What I'm looking for are recipes that are meat-based (like I'm doing a roast chicken this week I think) and without veggies or with veggies large enough to pick them out...
Another good one is tomato-sauce based chicken and rice, to give you an idea.
Meat and potatoes, meat and rice, meat and noodles are sort of where I'm going...
Beef, chicken, fish are the meats! Pork also...meatballs, shredded meats.
Let's see what you've got. Hubby and I are sort of picky so nothing crazy spicy. Nothing Asian flavored. LOVE homestyle or italian or mexican.
Anyone? AND EASY, remember I am a beginner cook w/three kids and no time!
September 18, 2007
2 + 2 = no sleep
September 11, 2007
all sick...
I now have the cold.
BabyT has the cold AND pink eye.
It is much fun at our house, let me tell you!
September 08, 2007
peepee in the potty!
Does this make up for pouring an entire gallon of Downy on the floor in the laundry room (Which then seeped down the air vent so we'll be "april fresh" in that room for a LONG TIME)? Almost!
September 07, 2007
don't get too secure!
Then he went to Kindergarten.
And we stopped cruising. Now, I DON'T get to pick his school, or his days, or his schedule. I don't like it ONE BIT. Then we hear conflicting stories from him about how his days go and kids that do and don't play with him, do and don't sit on the bus, etc. and we are rattled to the core. Just like we are first time parents w/a sick child all over again, we're nervous and discussing scenarios and what-ifs and should we call the school, etc. I guess it never ends huh, the new stuff?
September 02, 2007
no room at the inn...
August 27, 2007
frustration w/school...
Now the teacher thing is not a big deal, as I do not have a preference. But as a working parent, I need to know AM or PM to make arrangements accordingly.
Last Thursday they promised it would be in my mailbox Saturday. Also that the principal would call me back. Neither happened. After I retrieved today's mail, which STILL contained no letter, I called again. They promised it would have been in today's mail, which I informed her I was only calling because I got the mail and, NOPE, NO LETTER. I explained that at best I have 4 business days as of RIGHT NOW to make arrangements, and getting the letter tomorrow leaves me THREE. Though I have no faith, based on THEIR past lying to me about when they sent the letters, that I'll get a letter tomorrow. I asked AGAIN that the principal please call me back.
Stay tuned.
August 24, 2007
anyone watching BB8?
My dad always laughed at my tv choices (back then it was soaps and wrestling, of all things!) - he always said for someone so smart, I sure did watch the dumbest TV possible. He couldn't quite believe that my brain would even let me watch that crap!
August 23, 2007
18 month sleep regression
August 21, 2007
August 18, 2007
laundry update...
1 load bed sheets
Still to go:
1 load adult light clothes
1 load child darks
1 load child lights
1 load family reds
1 load baby lights
1 load baby darks
1 load baby spit up rags
1 load bed blankets
1 load bath towels
1 load beach towels
and now that BabyT just peed on the floor getting into the shower:
1 load bath mat
August 17, 2007
sorry for the silence!
In case anyone was wondering, going to the beach, with a 5 year old, a 1 year old and a 4 month old is A LOT OF WORK and not to be attempted by those looking to actually RELAX on their vacation and/or SLEEP.
August 11, 2007
a new baby!
August 08, 2007
dear AVEDA,
You MAY NOT discontinue a product before producing a suitable replacement! They have stopped making their Elixir leave-in conditioner, which is my favorite. Not only for the wonderful magic it works on my hair, but for the wonderful scent. I tried another leave-in product they make for colored hair, but you are supposed to use a conditioner with it, so I would be using TWO products instead of just one.
Today I tried Redken's leave-in. MAN IS IT FULL OF PERFUME. It really really stinks.
Back to the drawing board.
August 02, 2007
as the warning light came on in the other car we own today...
August 01, 2007
what do you do when...
** you have 2 bottles in the car for the baby but they are both dirty. This is not supposed to be an issue because you are only driving 20 minutes from your mother's house to yours
** it is 99 degrees outside and blazing sun
** your husband is in a very far away place
** your father-in-law is ALSO in a very far away place
** your brother is 1 hour away
You are 6 miles from home. You have a left rear tire pressure of 0 according to your tire monitoring system (you get to watch it drop from 20 when it started warning you to 0 as you drove off the off-ramp for the Dulles Toll Road)
There are NO males that can come quickly to your aid that you know. EVEN if they could, you would be on the side of the road in BLAZING HEAT AND SUN with an infant and a run-away toddler ( I am assuming it is not safe to change a tire on the car w/the kids IN the car, which also means, in this heat, the car would have to be left running).
The 2 females you COULD call could only do the following: drive to where you are and SIT with at least one of your kids while you drive THEIR car home and retrieve your other vehicle that is big enough to hold everyone. This also means installing car seats in the BLAZING HEAT AND SUN should you choose this answer.
All the other males you know are
a. at work
b. also at least 1 hour away
Many of the phone numbers you might need to call random friends for help anyway are stored on your OLD cell phone, as luck would have it.
So what do you do?
July 31, 2007
are you watching what I'm watching?
Deadliest Catch - apparently there are THREE season of this great show. I think I've seen all of them, but I keep recording it in case they show one I haven't seen.
Ice Road Truckers - love it. I had no idea anything like this went on (just like Deadliest Catch).
Big Brother 8 - it is REALLY good this summer. I want Evil Dick to win it!
My standard Oprah and Dr. Phil get recorded every day to see if they do something interesting.
Flip THIS House ( please note, not "Flip THAT House", which is a different show ) - these are experienced flippers (?) with companies that are doing really well. I really like the Montelongos the best.
The Real Estate Pros. Another real estate investment company w/a show, but the owner seems to be a big hearted guy, always doing generous things and believing in people and I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ginger!
Big Medicine. Anyone watching this? Apparently they are the #1 gastric bypass docs and this showcases some of their patients surgery and recovery. VERY interesting, though I get a little irritated when the patients get turned down by their gov't insurance plans and get upset. HELLO? How did you get to be 750 pounds (seriously)? It is not the gov't (and therefore MY) responsibility to pay for this kind of surgery when these people ate themselves into obesity (if medical problems were making them heavy, the surgery wouldn't work- these people simply overeat). When they show what they eat per day, it's mind-shocking. No wonder.
Random documentaries - I'm always on the lookout for documentaries. I LOVE them and can't resist. There was one just on, "I eat 33,000 calories a day", the Discovery Channel and it was fascinating. Any other documentary fans? I need suggestions!
Jon and Kate + 8 - this couple is amazing! They have twins and SEXTUPLETS. And they haven't lost their mind! Makes me feel bad for having a rough day sometimes when I have only 3! She even says once, "having triplets sounds so easy!".
Are there more??
July 24, 2007
July 22, 2007
BabyJ! She can roll over FRONT to BACK and does so repeatedly. Usually they roll the other way first! Also, she is trying to sit up out of her bouncy seat, which is neat and astounding and all, but makes it hard to leave her in the bouncy seat. Especially since she loves it so much! And the babbling! I've never heard a baby talk CONSTANTLY. I think, because our house is so crazy and noisy w/the 2 boys, she's talking too, since it seems to her that our mouths are always running too!
BabyT...whew! What a BUSY boy. He is into everything, although he couldn't be cuter. He says "Morning!" when you see him in the morning. He does a high five then "pound it!" w/the fists (a high-five w/the fist instead of open palm) and it is so cute. He's also getting the concept of a multiple word sentence...he's indicating to me that he wants me to put the "baby" "down" in her "fish" chair. When I say no, he'll suggest every other play area she has, it is so cute.
Son. He is now the MASTER swimmer. He goes off our pool slide head first and swims for a bit underwater before coming up for air. He's fascinated by pointing out differences (like those games, which of 4 images is different). For example, there are a ton of different Transformers out there, a lot of them are Optimus Prime (the #1 good guy) in different colors/poses, etc and he delights in telling me exactly what makes each one different, specifically.
Whew -i've got to get to bed...more later!!!
July 05, 2007
voice operated customer service lines
Having a service that ONLY operates on voice commands and does not allow you to say "Help" or "operator" to get a REAL LIVE FREAKING person sucks. Trying to call you guys and actually get a person is extremely difficult and frustrating. And then try doing it with three small children in the background that the damn phone system picks up, and I want to poke out your eyes with baby spoons.
June 26, 2007
June 25, 2007
best night ever!
We had a busy day yesterday with a visit to see my Grandparents and then swimming with Uncle S in the new pool. I don't know if that is what did it or not, I'm just thankful for a nights worth of sleep!!!
And how are you this lovely Monday morning? Do tell!
June 21, 2007
12 days...
** 12 days alone w/the kids
** 10 times I've checked the pool skimmer
** 9 p.m. bedtime for the baby
** 8:30 p.m. bedtime for the older son
** 8 p.m. bedtime for the toddler
** 3 staples in your oldest son's head
** 2 dead frogs
** 2 children SCREAMING for things at the same time
** 1 visit to the ER to aquire the staples
to totally kick someone's ass. We were doing really well until today.
June 20, 2007
and now....
June 14, 2007
BabyT decided last week he was DONE w/bottles and will have nothing to do with them. We were only giving him 1 a day anyway, as a night-time calm-down thing, so it's not a big deal. Just a surprise.
Now if only the baby would self wean to sippy cups and self-feeding, I'd be SET!
June 08, 2007
and back again...
June 07, 2007
cute things they say...
the other day, Son asked me to "fast backward" to something he wanted to see again!
Knocked Up!
The movie! Hubby and I saw our first movie together in FIVE years. And what a choice! I was worried it was a chick-flick in disguise (per the theme of pregnancy) but SO NOT A CHICK FLICK. We loved it - if you like these guys, you will LOVE THIS MOVIE!
May 31, 2007
sleeping has gone to hell in a handbasket
2:15 a.m. --> BabyJ needs to be fed
3:30 a.m. --> BabyT screaming again
4:45 a.m. --> smoke detector batteries low - AIYEEEE. And the "hush" button on the detectors apparently is just a cruel joke
5:15 am.. --> BabyT screaming again
6:45 a.m. --> both babies up for the day
Anyone have ANY ideas on getting BabyT to sleep thru the night again? Anything????
May 30, 2007
cute things they say...
and son asked why somebody would shoot themselves in the mouth!
May 29, 2007
what a wonderful weekend!
** BabyJ is growing nicely. Somehow she barely has any clothes that fit, I need find some time to go to Carter's and stock up!
** hubby and the boys GREATLY enjoyed the pool!
** we had a celebration dinner for Son yesterday - he graduated PRESCHOOL! Where has my first baby gone? He's so big now!
BabyT's sleeping has gone to crap. I'm trying to re-sleep train him now. Wish me luck - we really need all the kids in this house to sleep better. As it is right now, the newborn sleeps better than the 17 month old and the 5 year old! Crazy.
And I'm sick. Some sort of cold that I can't kick, in addition to really bad allergies. Ugh.
BUT it's summer, and it's nice outside and hubby's coming home from work early today!
May 25, 2007
I only had to get up ONCE last night w/the new baby. BUT THREE TIMES w/the 17 month old. Dang. It's like the world is conspiring against me to NOT LET ME SLEEP DAMMIT.
Suggestions for situations like this? I had to feed the baby on the floor of BabyT's room while he screamed at us that he wanted "DOWN!" and while I kept telling him
a. To lay down
b. No climbing out
Thank goodness Hubby comes home tonight - guess what his first to-do list item is?
May 22, 2007
very busy...
May 17, 2007
sorry for the silence!
Son is wrapping up the 2006-2007 school year, and there are lots of activities to attend! Yesterday was soccer awards. Monday is the end of the year party, Wednesday is a birthday party, and Friday is GRADUATION (EEKS!).
BabyT is rapidly moving into 2 word sentences! And sleeping better! yay! He's so cute, and we're getting more and more words and concepts every day. It's so amazing to watch.
BabyJ is recovering from the worst case of diaper rash anyone has seen in years! Of course since she poops SEVENTEEN (I logged it on TrixieTracker!) no wonder! But TriplePaste is a godsend and works wonders (in less than 12 hours no less!!!). Last week we outgrew Newborn diapers and today we went onto size 2 nipples. She'll be dating in no time ;-)
I'm loving being home w/the kids, even though it's EXHAUSTING.
May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day!
Hubby got me GODIVA! And took the 4 a.m. feeding, THEN let me sleep in! Then, the "boys" got me flowers and a homemade card with HANDPRINTS, which I will keep forever!
Happy Mother's Day to all of you!
May 08, 2007
Two Under Two...
BabyT wants to lay in the pack&play w/the baby, so I'm forever having to chase him out of it. When I feed the baby, he's usually pretty good, but occaisionally gets into something (like the wipes container) and makes a small mess. Also, they both seem to get hungry at the same time, which presents a problem as I only have 2 hands (and each child takes 2 hands to feed, unless I allow BabyT free reign of his lunch, which = MESS!)....
But it's going...they're both napping right now, and instead of napping myself (I KNOW) I need to go fold laundry!
May 04, 2007
*** sigh ***
You goto, the headline is "get yourself something!" and your suggested items are:
1. A kid's spongepainting kit
2. a crib ( I hope to never have to purchase another one of these until i have grandkids! )
3. the learning piggy bank by Fisher-Price ( ok, maybe this is for me since hubby and I way over-spend! hahahaha )
May 01, 2007
2 week post partum...
April 27, 2007
April 25, 2007
edited birth story...
I had always thought women died in childbirth because the DRs didn't know what they were doing, not that there would be complications w/the human body that caused the problem. Since becoming pregnant for the first time, you start learning of these things - breech presentations, babies who are simply too large to fit through, babies who start to be delivered and then get stuck, etc.
**** WARNING: TMI ahead *****
About ten minutes after having BabyJ, I hemorrhaged. Severely in my opinion, though not enough to warrant a transfusion. This is one of the things women used to die from in childbirth (some of the others being the presentation of the baby, ie breech, etc.). Even with today's medical knowledge and the wonderful medications they gave me to help me stop bleeding it took a couple of hours to get it all under control. I am VERY THANKFUL that I decided to give birth in a hospital and not at home and that the nursing staff, my DR, and the emergency anesthesiologist they had to call in are so talented and work well in situations like these.
So, here is the birth story up to when BabyJ was born...
Wednesday afternoon, 39 week DR appt: I goto my DR and I tell him that I am done. I cannot take it anymore, being ENORMOUS and chasing 2 kids and working is killing me. I knew that the hospital was already booked for inductions thru Saturday (I had called earlier to check) but seriously, so. done. He said that HE is the one working the hospital shift Thursday (instead of the office shift) and he would squeeze me in, especially since he thought my labor would be SUPER FAST and easy (I had already been warned by him if my water broke or I saw any pattern in contractions to head to the hospital as he seriously thought we would not make it in time).
Thursday morning: Hubby drops me off at the hospital at 7:30 and takes the kids to my mother's. I get into my L&D room right away and hooked up to an IV and my anti-biotics immediately.
8:30 a.m. My DR breaks my water and they start pitocin. About 9-ish I start to feel contractions and they are pretty good ones. I look at the monitor, which shows my contractions and the other woman my nurse is watching on the same screen. I see the "pretty" contractions on the monitor, but they are not registering as very strong, even though I would definitely classify them as such. The other lady, she's got GREAT BIG MOUNTAIN contractions that look like they are running about 90 seconds long. I fear for when my contractions get that bad if they hurt this much and are only little mountains on the screen. I ask the nurse about them and she points out that MY contractions are the ones on the bottom, thank goodness! They won't get any stronger. I ask for my epidural, pointing out that I am already 3 cm and I labor quickly and I don't want to miss my window for getting one. I remind her several times in the next few minutes, probably once w/each contraction.
At about 9:45 a.m. I get my epidural. It is wonderful, as is usual for my experience w/this hospital. It is nice and even, no pain, and I can feel the contractions and pressure, but it doesn't hurt.
I complain about the pressure.
I complain about the pressure.
At 10:15 a.m. the nurse checks me and declares me at 4 cm. Goodness, I think, this is going to take FOREVER. My DR comes in to say he's going to do a C-section and be back, and I'll probably be ready to push then.
10:25 a.m. I REALLY complain about the pressure. The nurse checks again. OH MY. She says that I am complete and ready to push but there is no DR (remember last time, they didn't call the DR in because they thought my labor would be longer and I had to "wait" at 10 cm for AN HOUR for him to get there). Remember, he's in surgery. The other DR is not my DR. Which would I like? I decide to wait for my DR since I know I can wait for a bit, but they warn me if it's uncontrollable to push for the nurse.
11:00 - my DR runs in, having left the resident to stitch up the other lady. "DON'T COUGH!" he says when he LOOKS down there and can see the baby. There is a great flurry as they rush to break down the bed and get other nurses in the room. I pushed through one contraction and **POOF** , BabyJ is born!
April 23, 2007
postcards from the edge...
And my suspicion, thank goodness, was right - it was harder to adjust to 2 kids than it is ( SO FAR ) adjusting to 3. We just need to keep a careful eye on the 1 year old to make sure he doesn't accidentally hurt the baby. Otherwise, we're already up all the time, making many meals a day + snacks, etc. The only difference, of course, is the night waking, but we'll give that one some time...
April 21, 2007
April 17, 2007
The shooting
My heart breaks for all the families of the people killed and injured, this is such a nightmare. I have such wonderful memories of that place, I cannot believe what has happened.
How does one person shoot 60 people without some of the other people in the building attacking him? I hope the full story comes out soon.
April 11, 2007
Now we just continue waiting!
April 08, 2007
Happy Easter!
Send help please!
BTW, 38w2d on Monday.
April 05, 2007
still here...
Just tired. The gang from work gave me a gift card today for the baby and cupcakes! It was so nice of them! And to my favorite store.
I don't have much to say. Just trying to handle being SO PREGNANT and having hubby out of town and taking care of the other 2 children!
April 03, 2007
Westminster Security....
ME: then why did you send me an invoice? And if you have me setup on auto-pay, it's because we did it on the PHONE because you never accept our mail!
ME: sounds like a great system.
The nursery is coming along! It's not done, but it's close enough to bring baby home. We will be working on it shortly though.
Son is off this week on spring break. We are LOVING the warm weather. BabyT is amazing. Last summer, hubby made our playground more challenging, to suit the advanced atheletic ability of our older son. WELL - BabyT is able to walk up the super steep climbing wall, ladder and slide un-assisted. Amazing.
Son starts soccer again next week, which is also very exciting!
Me, I'm just waiting. 18 pounds up so far w/this pregnancy, which is GREAT for me. Considering you usually come home from the hospital 20 pds lighter, I think this will work out just fine.
Over and out - man, i really wish i had time for a nap!
March 31, 2007
so frustrating!
When I called to see what the payoff amt was last night, I was stunned to hear the amt (it's not that much, but it's THREE PAYMENTS more than I thought)...well, when you send extra payments, they don't auto-withdraw payments again until you owe again, as if you didn't make extra payments (meaning for the next three months, they DIDN'T withdraw money for the truck payments....GRRR. So, we're not any further ahead w/the payments than if I had not bothered.
March 29, 2007
oh my!
So I am REALLY TIRED TODAY. Be nice to me.
March 26, 2007
362d - and nursery not done.
March 22, 2007
does this count?
March 20, 2007
inappropriate comment #3
March 19, 2007
March 13, 2007
About vacation!
BabyT was fantastic - every day we'd go out and play in the snow, make snowballs, and dig. Also to watch Son ski (we were right on the slope) and watch him ride the big lift (a 6 chair!).
So - vacation w/2 little kids across the country = piece of cake and MUCH fun for everyone. I thought it would be harder than that, really I did. But w/2 easy going kids and some planning (like portable tvs for each of them --> ARCHOS players) it was a breeze! And some little trinkets to pass out when they were antsy (4 hour plane ride, then 3 hour car ride to and from the resort).
March 12, 2007
and .....................
March 07, 2007
on vacation!
February 28, 2007
no rest for the weary...
February 23, 2007
what does one do?
** today, goto work to get 6 extra hours in
** clean up house
** stop by Lowe's to get paint chips for baby girl's room
** stop by Wegman's to order cake for Son's Bday party
** pedicure?
** stop by party store to buy extra gift bags for the girls attending party (boys are getting Transformers!)
** 4 hours of work to make up for hours I will miss next week
** clean up house
** Target?
** goto Carter's clothes store
anything else I should do?
February 13, 2007
busy busy busy...
February 08, 2007
February 07, 2007
and today...
February 04, 2007
Dear John Edwards...
Raising my taxes (which are DAMN high already - my husband as his checks taxed at 50% and we still owe $3,000 and MY checks are taxed to the hilt as well) to pay for health insurance for other people...not going to make me happy.
It is NOT my responsibility to pay for health insurance for the middle class. If people really want to, they will find a way. My mother, a hairdresser, earns 20K a year. She lives in TYSONS. Her taxes (income and real estate) are SHOCKING. Yet, she pays Blue Cross $330 a month for her own insurance (doesn't get it from her employer). So you can do it if you make it a priority.
My cousin (3 kids), who drives a LEXUS and her hubby, who drive a MERCEDES both work and neither have insurance because they feel it's too expensive for the benefit. While it may not be true of the rest of the population, they could afford it EASILY if they made it a priority, but they whine about it and sit and wait for the govt to make people like me PAY FOR THEIR HEALTHCARE. How in the HELL is that fair?
I am not voting for anyone that is planning on raising my taxes to pay for things people could get for themselves if they wanted to (I am NOT talking about people on welfare or who cannot truly afford health insurance. I am not sure what needs to be done here, but again, why is it my responsibility to pay for them? I work. I support the children I chose to bring into this world. Why are they not held to the same standard?)....
January 31, 2007
January 29, 2007
I like the SOHO set (green/pink/orange)...and a brown/pink squiggles set...but I don't like anything I've seen enough to actually buy it. There is a pink daisy set at PotteryBarnKids that is ok...I'm only leaning towards that because I know I can get drapes etc. very easily.
Suggestions??! Please!
January 26, 2007
You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,
beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home
decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
January 25, 2007
My Son, the genius!
thanks for the consideration!
But, her DR won't see her until Monday (she said she just made an appt, didn't give symptoms). So she's at work today (again) spreading her germs all over the place. I understand coming to work w/a cold or cough. But when you're reasonably sure (based on symptoms) that you have MONO or the flu, stay home DAMMIT.
January 24, 2007
Way to go!
January 23, 2007
Check this out please...
January 22, 2007
What a good end to a great weekend! We finally got our entertainment center for the family room, which at 9 feet wide by 8 feet tall, is quite the piece of furniture! We went to a birthday party yesterday for our 4 year old cousin. And a special run to Target on Saturday that the boys LOVED (they love shopping! Yay for me, boys that love to shop!)
January 17, 2007
Do I have a future rock star on my hands? He certainly is cute enough!
January 12, 2007
Sonogram update...
January 11, 2007
January 08, 2007
hubby hyperventilating!
We have an ebay accout in good standing (lots and lots of good feedback)....
January 05, 2007
My toy!
So hubby got me one for Christmas - I LOVE IT.
The first time I took the Brain Age test (you want the lower brain age)...let me start this way - hubby got a 40 year old brain age and was pretty happy. I took it and got a brain age of TWENTY! This is the lowest score you can get. Guess I don't need the game after all! Just kidding. I keep playing - as you play more games, you get new games to try and it's SO FUN!
You should try it!
January 03, 2007
More hot toys...
So I would suggest various SMALL books (also, they have short attention spans) that they can carry around. The largest favorite of BabyT's is the ELMO puppet book, where there is a finger puppet Elmo as the middle part of the book and the book goes thru three versus of "If you're happy and you know it". He LOVES it, because he can carry it, there is SINGING and clapping!