May 08, 2007

Two Under Two...

is hard.  I've had the kids for brief stints on my own, to sort of test the waters.  But today is my first almost full day (hubby left 2 hrs late for work to help w/Breakfast)...and it's going FINE.  BUT it is a lot of work!

BabyT wants to lay in the pack&play w/the baby, so I'm forever having to chase him out of it.  When I feed the baby, he's usually pretty good, but occaisionally gets into something (like the wipes container) and makes a small mess.  Also, they both seem to get hungry at the same time, which presents a problem as I only have 2 hands (and each child takes 2 hands to feed, unless I allow BabyT free reign of his lunch, which = MESS!)....

But it's going...they're both napping right now, and instead of napping myself (I KNOW) I need to go fold laundry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this is a little 2 kids kept me away from reading blogs all week. But I completely understand what you're going through. My oldest just turned 2 late last month and my youngest is 4 months today. For the last 4 months, I've been "zombie mommy", using sheer will (and lots of coffee) to face each morning of whining tantruming toddler and always hungry babe. Thankfully, W stays out of trouble while I nurse, though she does have this annoying habit of whining at me for a drink the moment J latches on. *sigh* I've gotten in the habit of putting a sippy and a snack on her table near my rocking chair, so when she starts, I can point them out to her. Good luck...just're not alone!