January 04, 2008


It's been a while no?  Yes?  Of course it has.  Working + 1 toddler + 1 baby + 1 6 year old = kicking my butt.

Also, both babies apparently keep sharing 2 different colds amongst themselves.  Lovely.

I am tired.  Beyond tired.  But hubby and I get to go out to dinner tonight ALONE for the first time since JUNE.  JUNE people, that is a LONG time ago!  I am so excited I can't wait.  Our New Year was fine - we didn't do anything special, but I think next year we will try.

VA Tech lost last night, booo.  Seems like they always choke in big game pressure.

I leave next week for a girl's weekend in AZ!  YAY for us, I'm so excited to see them, be warm, and not have to take care of kids for 3 whole days!  BLISS!

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