Friday Bullets!
SWINE FLU! .00003% of the population has it. You have a higher chance of winning the lottery (though I guess if you get swine flu, you've just used up your lifetime of unlikely things happening).
We just got BabyJ her first pair of big girl sandals. I could die of the cuteness.
boo hiss! Unexpected May expenses (it's only May 1, how can we have unexpected expenses already!) - $200 for pool filters and $100 for hot tub filters. The pool guys come to open the pool Monday and not only is it a green cesspool right now, they want $375?!!
The health insurance for my new job not ONLY is awesome with lower copays, etc., IT IS FREE! COVERED BY THE EMPLOYER AT 100% - now that is TEH AWESOME.
Boo hiss! My current employer announced a 2% layoff that will happen Tuesday. So NOT ONLY will people lose their jobs, but they get the dreary weekend to worry.
ToddlerT is LOVING the heck out of swim lessons and is already trying to swim indepenedently!
boo hiss! Have a sore throat - so does the son that had strep and just finished his antibiotics. I hope that he doesn't need a second round and that I also didn't catch it!
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