May 24, 2009

South Pole blog!

I found this link - he works at the South Pole and is a photographer! Amazing pictures of what goes on there when it is -80 degress F!

(hahaha I almost posted this without the link!)

1 comment:

Emily said...

That is amazing. I can't imagine those temperatures but the pictures. I wish I could travel the world to see all of the amazing sights it has to offer.

I also have to apologize for not getting back to you sooner with our address. I thought I had and then realized I think it totally slipped my mind. I've been giving out the hospital address where we "live" currently.

Dell Children's Hospital
4900 Mueller Blvd
Austin, TX 78723

You can just put her name on there and it gets to us great no matter what room we're in. =)