June 07, 2004

Crappy Summer Weather...

Isn't summer in Washington DC supposed to be almost unbearably hot and humid? Global-warming my butt...It's been COLD here for summer time, cold and cloudy or cold and rainy. I'm ready for 95 and humid! I am ready to get in my black truck after it's been sitting in the sun where it's at least 140 inside!

Today was supposed to be 80 and sunny, instead we get 70 and cloudy - what is WRONG with our weather people? If I was that bad at my job ( you should see the miserably incorrect forecasts we get in the winter! ) I'd be FIRED. It's so funny when they really goof a snowstorm, they'll see that they've goofed halfway thru and change their forecast...when the storm's done, I kid you not, they'll reply the newer forecast and pat themselves on the back for getting right on the evening news. Seriously! Too funny...

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