July 05, 2011

Bad luck...

  • Last month - upstairs heat pump dies. $200 for temp fix,  $6,000 for new unit
  • Kitchen faucet springs a leak and fills lower cabinet - new faucet at 11 p.m. (also not cheap!)
  • Truck mirror and door handle break. $200 (thank GOODNESS for the extended warranty)
  • Last week: downstairs furnace breaks.  $200 for a temporary fix, HVAC guy suggests $3,200 for a new unit (also, thank goodness we have an HVAC guy in the family or this would be a MUCH SADDER post)
  • 10 year old HE3T washer (the first production year) makes an AWFUL noise w/each load but is still washing - is it next??  PLEASE NO!

February 20, 2011

Today we re-do the boys rooms!

They both want Clone Wars rooms - so we're doing away with the shades of baby blue and off while and going with: Clone blue, black and white.  Also moving beds and furniture!  SHOULD BE FUN!


it's been a while eh?  Let's start with updating the about me!

January 10, 2011

Princess Loves: Magic Mouse

So...today I started an Android training class.  I have my MacBook Pro (from work) for programming, but I'm a Windows programmer because that's all the customer lets us use.  So I haven't developed on my Mac in 2 years.  So to do the training, which requires switching from PDF to Eclipse, to the Android Emulator, to the error catcher, to Firefox and coding, it is a PAIN to use the touchpad when you're out of practice.  I texted my hubby, thinking he'd pick me up a tiny mouse from Target...what I got was this:

He is wonderful.  It is a Magic Mouse - it just WORKS with my laptop and you can swipe to control instead of using a track wheel!  It is TEH BOMB, Seriously.  GET ONE.

(this post is in NO WAY compensated.  My hubby just bought me something nice.)