August 21, 2008

Only 2 more days!

Until Hubby gets home!  Our house is so boring when he is gone!  He is the "fun" parent, so the kids have been quite deprived, although I did try really hard to make yesterday more fun. 
- we went out w/the daycare kids next door twice yesterday.  Of course, then I heard one of the daddy's telling the daycare owner that one of his sons had been throwing up before he brought him to daycare so this choice could bite me later, but the kids did have fun.  TWICE!
- we went for a late night walk where I let older son ride his scooter and younger son chased him instead of riding in the stroller!
See, I am loads of fun!
I did try to get son to play Guitar Hero with me last night, but he got frustrated with it very quickly.  So we played Battlefront a bit before I sent him to bed!

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