May 20, 2004

Come now, really?

At my office there is a parking garage and 2 parking lots. There are LOTS of spaces where one could park a car to ensure no door dings occurred. I, myself, park at the far end of the parking garage, in an end spot, with one side of my truck partially into the painted border ( it's not another parking space, just the painted buffer ). Today, some person parked 1/2 into the endspot across from mine, and 1/2 into the next parking space.

Is this really necessary? There are PLENTY of choice no-ding spaces right in that part of the garage, and usually all the spaces are taken, so why take up an end spot PLUS another spot? With the buffer on the end spot, you can park so that there is no way the other person can door ding why hog 2 spaces? What is the thought process one goes thru as one carefully parks their black sports car exactly on the line between 2 spaces? I know people love their cars ( call me guilty of car-love as well ) but do we need to be asses about it?

This holds up the theory that hubby believes whole-heart-edly...people are inherently jerks. I try not to believe that or think that way about people in general, but darn it, they keep proving him right!


Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel on this one. I keep trying to stay convinced that people are inherently nice, but you get in traffic and someone out there is just determined to cut you off and spoil a pleasant afternoon.

Just letting you know you're not alone out there. I figured it would be a nice feeling. :)

Kristin said...

I know exactly how you feel on this one. I keep trying to stay convinced that people are inherently nice, but you get in traffic and someone out there is just determined to cut you off and spoil a pleasant afternoon.

Just letting you know you're not alone out there. I figured it would be a nice feeling. :)