May 19, 2004

Once again, PSA for gym go-ers...

If you MUST apply perfume (and I use the term 'perfume' loosely) at the gym in the locker rooms...
a. please take care to only spritz yourself - please do not spritz the benches/lockers etc. as after you spritz and I touch them or place MY things on them, now I smell like your perfume
b. please take care not to use an entire bottle at once. Not only will this not cause everyone who uses the locker room for the entire next day to smell like you, there is substantial cost savings in not using 75 oz. of perfume each day (though I'm not sure but if the 'perfume' in question came from wal-mart as I think it did, there may not be substantial cost savings involved)...

I realize that not everyone has the same preferences for brand/type of perfume as I do - ( to me the situation I am describing, the perfume in question smells like "ass mixed with Glade's spring flowers ) - but the quantity required to make the locker room STINK like that must've been amazing.

NOT TO MENTION the allergy attack said perfume brought on for me. Now that I'm back at my desk (with MY clothes smelling like butt sprayed with Glade) my eyes are stinging and red and I'm sneezing. Thanks so much, stupid woman.

That is all.

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