October 19, 2004

Life is so interesting...

So I'm sitting in my Allergists office yesterday waiting the mandatory 20 minutes after your shots to make sure you don't keel over...usually this is very boring...

Then this guys name is called, he gets his arms checked for reaction signs and he leaves. Then he comes back in..."anyone here the owner of a black Ford minivan?"... a woman who had recently come in said "yes - that's mine".

He said "Could you please move your van? You parked so close to me I cannot get in my driver's side door at all.". I could tell he was quite agitated (as I would be as well) but much more polite than I would've been, I can assure you.

She replies..."I'll be right out after I get my shot and wait to have my arm checked."...

WTF? He should wait until she's done when she mis-parked him in? Come on...He walked out slamming the door - and after being glared down by everyone in the waiting room she walked her butt out there to move her van. I'm thinking words were exchanged in the parking lot because she was gone a while before she came back in...

Life is never boring around here!

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