October 20, 2004

Red Sox vs. Yankees...

What an exciting game! I watched until the end, and like I said before, I don't usually like to watch baseball on TV!

BUT - to the idiots throwing sh*t onto the field (including items like baseballs, which could severly injure someone if thrown from high enough up)...grow up. Now the security are out on the field to protect the players from fans...wouldn't you prefer that they be focused on security...making sure no one is taping C4 to the stadium support columns? And what about good sportsmanship and the example you're setting for your children? I understand not being happy about some of the calls (Rodriguez did swat the ball out of that guys hand, it was a good call) , boo and hiss if you want, but don't put the lives of the players on the field in danger, dumbass.

UPDATE: I am not pointing fingers at the fans of either team ... I believe "items" were thrown on the field when both teams were having their "at bat"... I just want people to think more clearly before they act and say..."hey, this could really hurt someone, maybe send them to the hospital or end a career" and not throw harmful stuff. Throwing things like paper cups is still childish, but not really going to hurt anyone...

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