September 14, 2004


Ok - I HATE people....

I'm driving Son to school this morning. I'm in the next to most-left lane. The LEFT lane ends and those drivers have to merge. In stop and go traffic, generally what happens here is that cars "zipper" into the lane I was in, meaning, one car from the left lane goes, then one car from my lane, and we all merge nicely.

Not so much today. I let the car to my left get in my lane in front of me and I was rolling forward when I notice the car behind that one coming over on me too - out of turn. So I honked, but let him go. The guy goes ballistic, hand gestures, etc. Slams on brakes to see if he can get me to rear end him (I was far enough back that it wasn't a possibility because I thought he might try something like that). So I change lanes one more to the right, to get away from creepy man. As I go by him, he throws something across his passenger seat onto my side door! Then he gets behind me and comes up on my right and does it AGAIN! I get his plates and car info as he's driving off (throwing things at other cars as well) and call the police.

I'm waiting on a return call from the State Police...apparently this is a felony and since I now have marks on both sides of my car, I'm pressing charges.

What an ass...

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