September 09, 2004


Seems to me that Ivan is making a bee-line for us! Just like Hurricane Mitch bee-lined for us even though we were on a cruise ship for Pete's sake....

Let's Recap our history with Hurricanes.
Nov 1998 - Hurricane Mitch almost sinks our cruise ship on our Honeymoon. Hubby seasick for 29 hours straight. Passengers rush the captain's deck and demand Coast Guard be called. Cruise ship reaches Bahamas, turned away because port closed and has to re-go thru Hurricane Mitch to get back to Florida.

August 2004 - Hurricane Bonnie goes thru Mrytle Beach
- Hurricane Charlie causes evacuation of Myrtle Beach
September 2004 - Hurricane Frances causes Delta to offer us a chance to re-book our flights for free. Then all aiports shut down.
- Hurricane Ivan bee-lining for Tampa (just North of Sarasota)...

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