June 08, 2005

More fun with warranty people.

So yesterday my phone rings and it's the builder's warranty service guy, F.

F: Mrs. Princess, we really need to close out this ticket it was opened in March.
ME: ok
F: Can we come now?
ME: F! I've told you repeatedly when my husband or I can be home, and "20 minutes from now" is not it.
ME: do you have anything for any Friday coming up?
F: no, I'm booked for the next three fridays.
(3 fridays ago I got the same answer. had he put me on the damn calendar then, he'd be fixing that crap this week!)
ME: can you put me down for the 4th friday, any time.
F: what?
ME: can you put me down for the 4th friday, any time.
F: I don't understand.
ME: (stabbing self in eye) can you put me down for the 4th friday, any time...If you're full for the next three fridays, can you just put me down for the next available friday?
F: how about this friday, after 1 p.m.???
ME: (slaps forehead)


Anonymous said...

Man, what a moron! Maybe you should talk to his supervisor so you can finally get that taken care of. Good luck! Hope it works out soon.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord!